Going Beyond The Downward Dog


Yoga Truly is Genius, and there's Probably WAY More to it Than You Know


Dog, cat, cow, lion, bridge.... As we roll up the mat after 90 minutes of a liberating "Yoga class", are we also rolling up our practice?  This class has certainly left us feeling great, feeling stronger, energized yet simultaneously relaxed... but Yoga only begins there!

Yoga has now been popular in the mainstream western culture for 20 years now, we're comfortable with it and it's organically luring us into its next steps including meditation and living with new perspectives of life.  Holistic teachers are beginning to appear and take students on profound adventures! Ever recognize that a Yoga mat is the same size as Aladdin's magic carpet?  You may even be wearing his pants! ...  So join us for a fantastic journey way beyond the basics and deep into the source of life!

Actually, the practice of postures only skims a surface of Yoga.  Asana (Yoga postures) is like a car stereo - generally every automobile has one, but it is not necessary for the functionality of the car, it simply helps you get to your destination harmonically .  Asana practice utilizes deliberate postures as a tool to help us arrive at Yoga's purpose, but these movements are not the purpose or goal of this ancient method.

So what is the functionality of Yoga?  Most answers are, "For freedom", or "To strengthen" or "To relax", and although these are direct byproducts of Yoga they are NOT the primary function or objective of the practice.  Believe it or not Yoga is ultimately a practice for the mind more than anything else- the postures start the process by helping us access calmness, balance and focus of body and mind.


This is how to define Yoga:

  • Yoga is a "Method for Self Realization"

That's the single best answer.  Yoga can bring us to discover the identity that exists beyond our simple ego and introduce us to our Self which is the energy that animates our mind and body!    It's huge really.  Yoga is a method to bring the practitioner to an actual experience which in turn greatly expands the mind's perception of life, self identity and reality as a whole.  That experience is amazing- it's called Samadhi and is the final step [and the purpose] of the eight step practice called Raja Yoga.

The best part about it is that you haven't missed out on anything because you have been on this path ever since your first class.  Asana is the beginning step you can take, so, congratulations, you've been on a focused path to Self realization!


There are four types of Yoga, stay tuned to future posts where we describe the practice of each style and how they each lead to the same goal- Self realization.  Today we 're looking at the most popular form in the west, Raja Yoga! [Little known fact: Globally, the most popular form of Yoga is Bhakti- learn more in future articles.]

A quick (and simple) breakdown- The eight steps of Raja Yoga (The Yoga of Meditation):

  1. Codes of conduct in regards to how you treat the world around you (external)
  2. Purification of your body and mind including abstaining from unhealthy foods and behavior
    [These first steps are to prepare purify the mind of unhealthy, destructive, selfish thought patterns- profound meditation cannot be realized with these kinds of thoughts.]
  3. Asana is the movement- This is what people think "Yoga class" is, but actually you are going to "asana class"!  Here meditation subtly begins as we bring our focus acutely to the moment and to the body; our energy channels open and flow with more vibrancy, in essence "optimally turning on" the human organism.
  4. Pranayam is using breath to deepen internal attention and stimulate energies to flow with even more fluidly; the meditation subtly deepens
  5. Pratyahara takes our mindfulness even more internally as we allow our sensational experience to fade from thought. Control the senses by giving them no importance in the moment.
  6. Dharana is beginning to really focus in the mind.  Now, our bodies are relaxed, energized, not focused on hunger, sounds or other senses and we are ready to meditate! Single pointed attention.
  7. Dyana is the achievement of a meditative mind that has dropped mental activity- a mind that can recognize any thought that may arise and can easily allow it to pass without giving it any attention. Keeping focused on the void without effort, just a relaxed state of no feeling, no thought. Here, unforced attention to only the present exists.
  8. Samadhi is complex, but it can be said that its apex is the recognition of and identification with the observing force that continues to be present even when the mind is disengaged.  Samadhi is that actual experience - the goal and purpose of Yoga.  It is an actual realization, just as when you realized that 2 + 2 = 4.

So, there it is, [a basic description of] Raja Yoga.  If this is new to you then your Yoga practice just took a huge leap forward!  With the deeper awareness of what you are doing your practice will expand. Relaxation is the key- relax the body, relax the mind, relax your thoughts and see what happens.

There's so much to explore, as teachers of holistic Yoga practices we are passionate and excited to share with our students.  Join us in a class, a yoga retreat or simply enjoy our articles!

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About Lucas & Alena

Lucas & Alena are dedicated Yoga teachers with nearly two decades of training and teaching experience. Passionate about sharing this amazing science the bring the yogic knowledge to you in an enjoyable, grounded way. Join them for a class or for a Yoga retreat in a beautiful destination!

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