In my practice I continue to be amazed at the results that I see through the Quantum Healing sessions I conduct.   Working with these energy medicine techniques(†) has been an incredible journey, and as my practice has grown and my clients and I travel the world I’ve found that these quantum healing techniques are just as effective when conducting them remotely.  In this article I’ll share some scientific explanations on how energy and distance healing works.




The science of quantum physics shows us that everything, including human beings, is made of energy, and that everything is influenced by this interconnected energetic field.

This interconnection is called entanglement and occurs even at long distances. The law of entanglement states that one particle can “know” the state of another particle. For the sake of our understanding of healing humans, we can think of cells instead of particles.

Remote healing could be explained by what quantum physics calls nonlocality, which occurs thanks to the entanglement phenomenon. Nonlocality describes the ability of objects to know about each other’s state, no matter how far apart they are. Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance”.

So if humans are made of energy and this energy can be entangled without the boundaries of distance, we can affect each other without being together. You have most likely experienced this interconnection yourself! Have you ever thought of a friend just before they actually called you? Or have you had a feeling something happened to your family member or friend and then found out that something actually did? This is entanglement!




When the healer implements a remote session they operate from a meditative state, precisely the alpha brain state. This allows them to connect through this quantum field to the energy field of the client without having to use physical contact. EEG studies have shown that energy healers from diverse traditions work from alpha state and are able to induce the same state in their clients. Alpha brain state helps to enhance a deeper sense of relaxation, lower stress and improve well-being.

Alpha brain state is associated with a meditative state and deep relaxation. Working from this state allows the healer to be fully attuned to her client by fluctuating between her conscious, educated mind and the subconscious intelligence of the client.




I am a doctor of chiropractic focusing on the alignment of the energy layers in the entire body through the combination of various techniques, drawing both from the knowledge of the western and eastern medicine. Throughout the treatment we use Biofeedback allowing the innate healing wisdom to guide the session.  Every one of us has their unique story. Our body remembers everything we have experienced, and in cases of negative emotional experiences, exposures to toxins or physical injuries the body stores this information in different layers of the body (organs, meridians, fascia, muscles, joints, etc). Often, our conscious mind doesn’t even remember these events because it either had to hide from them to survive or it sees them from your perspective of today and deems them unimportant. “The Body Keeps the Score” is a name of a book that explores how our cells remember much better than our conscious minds!  Only your body knows the correct sequence of healing, this is why I allow your subconscious intelligence to guide me.




You will be sent a form to explain your condition and after studying your case we will connect over the phone or have a video call to converse about your condition and address any questions you might have. I will then run the session and send you a detailed summary of the work I have done. You do not need to do anything specific in preparation. Just be open to receiving healing.

After you receive the session report it is important that you observe how you feel on all levels. Instead of looking for the old patterns, recognize what is different and new.  Notice how you feel physically, and how your emotional and mental response to situations in your daily life might have changed.

People often report feelings of overall relaxation, better sleep, and improved interactions with the people in their life and their environment, as well as noticeable physical changes. It is important to remember that everyone is unique and everyone will process the healing differently and at his or her own pace.  Sometimes symptoms can get “worse” before they get better. This is a part of healing too. It is also possible that you might not notice much change at the beginning. This means that your healing is happening on a deep subconscious level which is difficult consciously perceive, but I find that with some time almost every one of my clients have realized healing and success

The number of sessions you will need is very individual and depends on what you are working on. I find it important that my clients understand that the body starts storing layers of tension from various stressors ever since we are conceived. We will work with your body respecting its needs for depth and speed of your healing. Generally it is advised you commit to 3-6 sessions in order to see noticeable benefits, although some people report important changes after just one session.

†Energy Medicine Techniques – Applied kinesiology, Body Talk, Matrix, Master Energy Dynamics and Energy Psychology.  All of these techniques work based on the principles of quantum physics even if the therapy is occurring in person. 

If you would like to schedule a session with me either in person or remotely feel free to contact me here: No Fields Found.

If you would like to learn more about the science of quantum physics, energy healing and how energy from our environment affects our health, you might like to read some work of the following modern scientist, doctors and authors; Amit Goswami, Deepak Chopra, and Bruce Lipton, who have dedicated their work to help us understand energy medicine and the world of epigenetic and the quantum.


“Spooky actions at distance”: physics, psi, and distant healing.

Alpha power increases during energy healing. EEG studies of healers, mystics and shamans.

Alpha lowers stress

Deepak Chopra

Bruce Lipton

Amit Goswami

About Dr. Alena Candova

A doctor of Chiropractic and a senior yoga teacher Alena combines her intellect with her sweet demeanor to gently guide practitioners to deeper awareness of body and mind. With a foundation in integrative health care practices her articles are focused on educating the reader on how to reconnect to the innate healing wisdom of the body.

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